Showing posts with label US. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Does Capital flight threaten the Crypto Market for 2022

 Crypto market is an exciting market for young investors. Economists recognize this market as a parallelize technology of stock market with gambling concepts. Means that there is no value for a currency, the value will made by requests .

This is a big challenge for this market and 2022 is year of wars, pandemic and challenges . But, Does Capital flight threaten the Crypto market for 2022.

Crypto market sharks with billions of Dollar capital, now are facing big challenge in networks, nodes and computational resources in China, Russia and east of Asia because US - China military conflict countdown.

For this condition, economists predict a big capital flight from Crypto market to the Gold and energy markets in the next 3 years. and Capital flight from the Crypto market is a big threaten that now is in warning zone for investors to exit their capital before recession and decreasing the values.

Monday, July 25, 2022

US Economic recession countdown for 2022

 United States of America big challenges economically and politically made economists to activate warnings about risks of economic recession in the global markets. The big lock down in economy that threaten startups, big industries and brands and the future of US Economy.

Baiden as a president of America can not control the energy market and Iran Nuclear program become a big threaten Against Israel. China is programming for military invasion of Taiwan and China - Russia economic allies for making a new currency against US Dollar make America weak. 

The thing that is a big threaten against economical infrastructures.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

US Economic news agencies challenge for next decade

 For a long term, United States as a big economic power in the world act as a leader in commercial markets and trade platforms. 

US Economic news agencies published thousands of news and articles every hour and the big problem started by China platforms such as Tik Tok, and news agenceis that tires to impact and influence the people by news.

The US Economic news agencies challenge for next decade is to stand against fake news and wrong news published as a propaganda.